Patrick Lew’s story is an age old rock and roll tale that some people can probably relate to. It’s an age old tale of a 15 year old boy coming from a dysfunctional and troubled childhood finding out that rock and roll music was cooler than what was going on at the time. Picking up the guitar. Working on his craft and honing it. And doing whatever it took to get somewhere with a lifelong passion and dream in life during hard times and facing opposition to get there. And finally realizing all that he’s worth and learning that life isn’t just about what he done, but what he’ve gained so far as well. Surrounded by loving friends and family. And rising above the very people who has ever doubted him. With some laughter and charismatic charm as well.
EARLY LIFE (1985-2001)
Patrick Lew Hayashi (born November 15, 1985 in San Francisco, CA) was just another face in the crowd struggling to find his own voice and niche. He is a second generation Asian-American of Japanese and Chinese-Taiwanese descent raised in a loving yet somewhat dysfunctional family and home. Growing up, Patrick Lew was very close to his mother and paternal grandfather during his first few years of his life. His father was predominantly absentee throughout his childhood. Although Patrick and his father maintained contact and cordial relations recently, his past tensions with his father remain unresolved.
His life tragically was altered forever when his paternal grandfather passed away when Patrick was only four. He spent most of his childhood battling a mental disability only further strained when he was bullied in school and getting into trouble and misadventure with his peers and elders. To escape the trauma he faced early on in life, Patrick turned to rock music, WWE and cable TV as a source of comfort. He would read about the success stories of his favorite rock bands growing up and listened to CDs from bands such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Metallica, Guns N Roses, Oasis, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Green Day, U2 and many others. He began frequenting punk shows in his early teens and found a hobby in skateboarding and playing sports. Injuries however, cut his dreams to one day become a professional athlete short.
One day. Patrick began playing guitar while in 8th grade when his maternal cousin Andrew was living with his family one Summer and would play Jimi Hendrix songs on an old Fender guitar and amp that Patrick’s older brother Ricky left sitting dusty in the living room. Shortly thereafter, Patrick Lew began playing guitar and immediately fell in love with it. Largely a self-taught musician and singer/songwriter, he quickly began writing his own songs and tape recording them on an old boombox live and loud.
PATRICK LEW BAND (2001-2012)
EARLY YEARS (2001-2004)
When Patrick Lew began attending Wallenberg High School. He was desperate and very insistent to start a punk band with people to play music in. His classmate Joey Fitzgerald (now a journalist for the San Francisco Examiner) overheard his requests and quickly afterwards, Patrick became acquainted with his classmate’s best friend’s younger brother Eddie. Eddie was 12 at the time but was quite the guitar prodigy at his age. Patrick’s close friend from Chinese class named Tommy Loi was convinced to become the drummer, and all three Wallenberg High School alumnus formed a Garage Punk band known as the Samurai Sorcerers.
Around May 2001. With the blessings of being tech-saavy and introduced to a new world of indie music through the World Wide Web. Patrick Lew began uploading some home demos of his band Samurai Sorcerers online. Thus beginning the story and headbanger’s journey known as the Patrick Lew Band.
Most of the time on the weekends especially on Saturdays. The Samurai Sorcerers would practice, jam and rock out either at Eddie’s basement at his house in the Marina District in San Francisco or they would play at Patrick’s bedroom on the other side of San Francisco in the Outer Mission. Tape recording everything that coming out of the ruckus they were playing.
School life was not easy for Patrick Lew however. He was still experiencing a lot of disposition from his peers for his mixed East Asian heritage and other personal reasons. And he was also feeling desperate to find a supportive girlfriend like some kids his age. Patrick also came down a severe bout of chicken pox two months prior to graduating from high school, nearly succumbing to the virus. Also, he did not have enough credits to graduate and came close to dropping out. Until his coach from the high school baseball team and Economics teacher Mr. Fanderl gave him a second chance to make up for it.
Patrick Lew eventually graduated from Wallenberg High School in June 2004. Whilst he was supposed to graduate a year earlier, he was held back one grade because of some personal issues with his education. He quickly enrolled at City College of San Francisco but quickly at first realized college life wasn’t for him and he was still struggling to find that niche.
One day while browsing the Internet, the Samurai Sorcerers was offered a record deal from Statue Records in late 2004. At the tender young age of 19, Patrick Lew released his first indie-level debut album with the Samurai Sorcerers: Tokyo Pop Star (Watashi No Ongaku). However, the band would later part ways from their label.
BAND OF ASIANS (2005-2008)
Eventually, Samurai Sorcerers became a sporadic on-and-off project and mostly intermittent while Patrick Lew was attending junior college. He met his former friend Zack Huang (currently works at an ARCO gas station) and quickly began jamming with him at his house playing and attempting to compose some Metal/Punk music. That eventually became the brainchild of the short-lived San Francisco based post-hardcore group Band of Asians. Which was joined by fellow classmates from City College of San Francisco. With a huge debt piled onto Patrick’s credit card and other weight on their shoulders, the Band of Asians booked time in a local recording studio. Which became the only LP that the Band of Asians ever self-released online: Revenge (2006).
Patrick Lew knew that the only way in that era to put himself out there as an amateur-not-yet-so-indie level musician was through the Internet. He quickly began putting himself out there on the World Wide Web and largely self-taught himself how to get better at playing the guitar, writing songs, social-media marketing and home recording!
There’s one man responsible for early PLB shows coming into existence we all have to thank for: Bay Area living legend Diamond Dave. He was responsible for booking all of PLB’s early live performances on campus at Patrick’s alma mater City College of San Francisco throughout 2007. Patrick Lew would also participate on’s 10th Anniversary Songwriters Contest and was a Quarter Finalist before getting eliminated. That same year, defunct website handpicked Patrick Lew as the Rising Artist of the Year.
While Patrick was enjoying his time playing live and loud onstage on campus, he wanted his then-band Band of Asians to go somewhere further. However, nothing came out of the masterplan and eventually Band of Asians amicably split in April 2008 mainly because of creative differences and everyone in the band having different long-term plans ahead.
Critical Jackpot, Controversy and Peak Years (2008-2012)
Depressed, unsure of himself and defeated by the opposition and hardships. Patrick Lew laid low for a short period. He quickly found an outlet for rearranging Chiptunes music on FL Studio on his old laptop for a short while. He was also experiencing a lot of polarizing and lukewarm reactions on social-media for his music for mainly “invalid” reasons. But he was not going down without a fight and was willing to do whatever it takes! Even if he was trying to figure out life while in his early 20s. He left the city he was born and raised and re-located to Antioch, CA in the East Bay with his mother.
Patrick Lew decided the only way to go as a creative outlet for his solo compositions and ideas was to start something new and fresh. He was still performing and recording under the Samurai Sorcerers name all over the Internet. Even after Tommy and Eddie have moved onto other things in life. Patrick really thought the band name Samurai Sorcerers was very tacky, possibly ethnocentric and that nobody would take his band seriously with that kind of name. One morning after grabbing a cup of Strawberry Boba, Patrick Lew decided to rechristen the Samurai Sorcerers officially as the Patrick Lew Band on a MySpace blog. He also began home recording and doing everything himself. Until he reacquainted with someone from his past to become the Patrick Lew Band’s drummer and while attending CSU East Bay, a few of his rather uncool and unsupportive classmates.
The Patrick Lew Band’s peak years in the indies (maybe still amateur?) between 2009 to 2012 can be summarized in lots of detail. The PLB was primarily an online collaboration type of band where everyone involved would communicate via Facebook private messages, AOL instant messenger and etc etc. They would record each part separately in their own home studios, email each other all the files and Patrick would copy, cut and paste everything together with his own input. Patrick Lew dated his college sweetheart Samantha during Summer 2009 but eventually got into a “faux” marriage with his then-partner Faith on October 30, 2009. He was misused in the dating scene for quite a long while with names we are definitely not going to mention of course! This six year relationship was derailed by religious differences, manipulative and emotionally abusive tendencies and other controversial subject matter.
The creativity did not stop however. During the PLB’s peak years of 2009 through 2012, the band self-released three albums on the Internet: Curb Your Wild Life (2009), Let It Rise and Against (2009) and Murder Bay (2011). After a three and a half year absence from live performances and touring, Patrick Lew began occasionally playing live again. Making a comeback gig at his alma mater CSU East Bay on February 9, 2011 performing an improvised version of the song “Matchmaker.” A small-scale tour was in the works apparently for the PLB as plans were being discussed. Such as grabbing a permit to play live shows where ever they can. The PLB was actually offered to play a benefit concert at UC Berkeley some time during Fall 2010, but was cancelled when none of the bandmates could agree or co-exist to do the performance. To make up for it. PLB would busk a little in their former hometown of Antioch, CA during June 2011. These performances were taped and some of it has been uploaded on Patrick Lew’s YouTube page.
The Patrick Lew Band began receiving notice through online media outlets such as AbsolutePunk and were interviewed by renowned British music critic Leicester Bangs. Things were apparently looking up...
First Band Breakup (2012)
The masterplan initially was to reinvent and rebrand Patrick Lew Band as an actual performing and home recording band. Playing shows locally and recording songs in their own home studio in the East Bay. However, creative and personal differences and some band drama ripped apart the former PLB. Patrick wanted to further reach his goals as an artist whereas his former bandmates at the time were rather uninterested in pursuing a secular area in the music business. On September 5, 2012, Patrick announced the former Patrick Lew Band's breakup on Facebook.
THE STEEL LIONS (2012-2017)
Patrick responded to the implosion of the Patrick Lew Band lineup by forming The Steel Lions to get back at his disgruntled colleagues. He quickly landed a distribution deal with an upstart small label based in the Pacific Northwest and took some of his “rejected” music and demos to The Steel Lions. His relationship with his then-partner Faith looked to be on the brinks of improving and becoming solid at the time. However, that did not turn out to be the case.
Amidst the transitional period and rebuilding, Patrick Lew graduated college with a B.A. in Philosophy at CSU East Bay and passed his driving test at the Pittsburg California DMV on September 24, 2012. His relationship with his then-partner Faith declined considerably at an accelerated pace by the end of 2012. She became the apparent “Black Widow" of the PLB but in her own kind of way. Frustrated with his status in life and disillusioned with the politics of the music business and feeling unhappy with his role in the scene. Patrick Lew took time away from his passion for music. Focusing on adulting and working a real day job.
He wouldn’t disappear however. Because of his circle of friends clamouring for Patrick to get back onstage. His band The Steel Lions was booked to play at Mama Art Cafe on September 13, 2013 which a video recording of his performance has since been leaked all over the Internet. The next day however, his then-partner Faith and Patrick had a terrible argument over him doing the gig and feeling more discouraged. Patrick Lew decided to stay away from indie music once again. Even his acquaintance Salvador Martinez tried to coax Patrick into playing with his new band Kings of Malevolence during late 2013, it was obvious that Patrick’s heart was not into music at the time.
Patrick Lew would sporadically record material in his home studio in San Francisco, CA. Having invested in a Macintosh computer and new musical gear gained from his salary from his day job secretly behind closed doors. It was around this time, Patrick went into a Guitar Center and bought him a cherry red Epiphone Les Paul Junior which would become his signature guitar.
The Steel Lions was intermittently active during this time frame. With occasional Facebook posts being updated with memes and Patrick Lew's other passion in life: Smart TV and professional wrestling. Since Patrick Lew Band's first hiatus in September 2012, the band's Facebook page was reportedly never updated and left blank and unmaintained until PLB officially returned to the indie music scene during early 2015.
Thankfully, Patrick knew enough was enough. His six year “faux” marriage and relationship with his then-partner Faith ended on July 17, 2014 and Patrick has since never looked back and moved forward. He also acquired the rights to the Patrick Lew Band name and on January 2, 2015, the Patrick Lew Band (now a solo project for Patrick himself) returned to performing and recording in the indie circuit.
Patrick Lew would collaborate with former Distorted Harmony drummer Erick Salazar in his recording studio in mid 2015. Working on new musical ideas with Erick for a future Steel Lions LP. These recording sessions resulted in the Steel Lions album Unfinished Relics which was released on CDBaby and streaming services and apps worldwide on May 12, 2016.
By this time, the original and former Steel Lions Facebook page was merged with Patrick Lew Band's official and verified Facebook page. Patrick described Steel Lions as a "stop gap" band. Comparing the transition to Sega 32X being a stop gap for the Sega Saturn. The Steel Lions quietly disbanded in early 2017 as Patrick Lew was concentrating more on his indie music career with TheVerse and the revived Patrick Lew Band.
Madeline Lew Joins, Cementing Status, Formation of TheVerse (2015-2016)
Continuing where he left off. Lew was putting himself more out there on social-media platforms like Facebook and received an endorsement and became a spokesmodel for Antennas Direct, a digital HDTV antenna maker. Lew rebuilt his home studio and rehearsal space in his residence in San Francisco. And began playing music again. More determined to become better at what he's been doing. In 2015, the new Patrick Lew Band began self-releasing new music on social-media and through iTunes, Spotify and other digital platforms (including their albums "To the Promised Land" and "Bubblegum Babylon").
After dabbling with side-projects and some personal demons. The Patrick Lew Band returned to the scene better than ever. Lew won the award for "Best Experimental Rock Song" in July 2016 with the Akademia Music Awards. That same year, the PLB released their first official DVD and began working with booking company Afton to help get the PLB some shows to play locally. Even local Bay Area rock radio station 107.7 THE BONE mentioned the Patrick Lew Band on air. Patrick Lew’s crossdressing alter ego Madeline Lew (his “kayfabe” wife) joined the PLB around 2016 as well and began making a buzz on social-media in a small way too!
After several years of heartbreak, divorce and taking a sabbatical from the dating scene. In mid 2018, Lew began dating his recent former girlfriend and current friend Sigyn and joined her esoteric and experimental garage band based in San Jose, CA known as Crazy Loser in a Box. He also lent his voice as an actor for her cult YouTube animated series Deceiver of Fools, playing the eccentric Japanese-American comedic role of Tokiomi. Aside from being very musically active with three totally different bands: PLB, TheVerse and Crazy Loser in a Box. Lew also began contributing as a voice actor for a few friends' creative projects and recently has been potentially casted as an Extra for an upcoming Amazon Prime TV series The Man in the High Castle.
Patrick Lew would also be a fill-in as a touring bass player for the San Francisco punk band The Tortured for two shows in October 2016 after their former bassist Danville Dan left the band. Patrick was close friends with Johnny Lawrie (The Tortured's Frontman) and the two spoke to each other through Facebook about doing the gig and playing some music for the time being. Patrick filled-in as a bass player for The Tortured in October 2016 for two live performances. Eventually, Patrick and Johnny's friend Derek Zender would become The Tortured's official new bassist. And Patrick Lew was too busy writing and recording new music in his home studio with Patrick Lew Band.
Loss of Patrick's Mother, "OAKLAND" and Further Regional Success (2016-2018)
Tragically, Patrick Lew's beloved mother Winnie Hayashi passed away on April 8, 2017.
The loss of his mother and a scabies scare took a toll on Lew temporarily and for brief period, he laid low. But never the man to surrender his passion for rock and roll despite what he's gone through, he performed a blistering five-song set at San Francisco's Brick & Mortar Music Hall on October 8, 2017 and released perhaps the best PLB album to date "OAKLAND."
When he's not playing one-man band with his jump, rattle and roll freak show. Lew is playing guitar in his other band TheVerse with some of his friends from the scene. TheVerse has played The Stork Club in Oakland, CA and recently played a bewildering high octane setlist at Brick & Mortar on November 26, 2017. One of the reasons why Lew had to return to music and be in a band again was to play shows once again because in today's world, touring has become the main attraction for bands and musicians. Nearing the end of 2017, Lew has officially reached semi-pro status as a musician and live performer. Be on the lookout for TheVerse's debut EP sometime in 2018 digitally!
Pleasure Gallows, Departure from TheVerse, Final Appearances (2018-2019)
During TheVerse's short break from each other, Patrick Lew decided to record and work on more new ideas for songs in his home studio, deciding to return to his Punk Rock roots as a solo artist. A flurry of singles were leaked and released on Spotify and Apple Music, including a cover of the late great Japanese Pop/Rock singer Yutaka Ozaki's song "I LOVE YOU" and a Taiwanese Mandarin sung version of "Everyone Loves Ashley." Patrick knew he wanted something fun and productive to do and that's why he kept making music and putting himself out there.
Patrick was reached out by Rick Vain on his personal Facebook from the band Pleasure Gallows around his 33rd birthday about auditioning and jamming with his band. On December 1, 2018, Patrick Lew went into Lennon Studios to jam and rehearse with Pleasure Gallows and was offered a role as the bass player for Pleasure Gallows.
He would eventually learn all the songs from their setlist at an 80%-90% level by ear listening to their tracks on Soundcloud on bass guitar tabbing out parts. Pleasure Gallows often rehearsed at Music City San Francisco to fulfill their plans ahead.
As the bass player for Pleasure Gallows, Lew was given the stage name "RYU KILMISTER" and performed two shows with the band, his final performance with the band being at Hotel Utah in San Francisco on February 19, 2019. Amidst vague sources claiming a major lineup change and change in musical direction, Lew was released from Pleasure Gallows a week after the Hotel Utah gig because of "creative differences" between himself and the rest of his bandmates.
To commemorate the 10 year anniversary of the album’s self-release online, Patrick Lew Band reissued a 10th anniversary edition of their breakthrough 2009 album Let It Rise and Against on CDBaby and through digital streaming apps such as Spotify and Apple Music. Featuring a brand new track list and remastered from the original master tapes via A good way to celebrate the humble and turbulent road to success, pain and glory with his PLB
Patrick Lew was reportedly offered to join and audition for a Grindcore band called GODS OF F**K as a bassist or rhythm guitarist in March 2019. Around that same time, Patrick signed a long-term deal and commitment with his main band TheVerse as a member. Which also allows him to make sporadic appearances in the Patrick Lew Band.
Patrick Lew’s run with TheVerse was placed in serious jeopardy in mid-2018 prior to the band’s show at El Rio in San Francisco. The band’s acquaintance Ian Jones joined TheVerse as David Arceo’s successor on drums. However the pairing turned out to be disastrous due to personal animosity between Patrick and Ian over frivolous reasons on Ian’s behalf. Patrick Lew was hospitalized again in June 2018 for another case of scabies. Adding insult to injury, Ian allegedly quit TheVerse over Patrick’s health issues. This led to a slowly but surely estrangement between Patrick Lew and TheVerse’s second drummer Ian Jones.
The band performed at El Rio on August 22, 2018 as planned. But not without controversy. One of the bands scheduled to perform that night, KNOCKED DOWN, no-showed the performance. Which led to TheVerse and False Freedom performing that evening at El Rio. This would Patrick Lew’s final live appearance as a member of TheVerse.
Shortly after El Rio, major cracks began to show within TheVerse. Janny became very “difficult to work with” and began selfishly tersely rejecting ideas from Patrick in regards to the band’s long-term plans and possible future touring involved. This would lead to Patrick Lew pursuing projects outside of TheVerse between September 2018 up until May 31, 2019 when he rejoined Crazy Loser in a Box. Janny insisted Patrick to work with Ian again in TheVerse, reluctant at first, Patrick agreed to the idea to work with Ian Jones again in the band. In February 2019, TheVerse began recording ideas for a proposed EP at Ian’s house in Berkeley, CA. One evening, Patrick accidentally left one of his guitar amps at Ian’s home studio and tried to reach Ian to retrieve the gear he left behind. Ian later blocked Patrick on social-media and behind closed doors, sold his amp for drug money. Furious over the matter, Patrick nearly took Ian to Small Claims Court over the issue until Ian paid Patrick back the face value of his possessions via Venmo app.
Patrick Lew basically stated the last straw happened the afternoon after Patrick Lew Band’s final appearance and send-off on June 7, 2019,
“So me and Yanderu were in my home studio working on some material with the band Crazy Loser in a Box. We personally reached out to Janny about doing some music and wanted to make her "feel included." She was being belligerent and got super bitched up and said a lot of things that I took very personal. I stayed in the band for the next few months basically doing NOTHING until I was fired from the band on September 21, 2019. By then, TheVerse hasn't toured or did anything for more than one year.”
He also stated that the band had become so inactive that he compared the problems within TheVerse:
“What's worse was. I felt creatively stifled in TheVerse. I was told by Janny, "Don't do this. Don't do that." It was basically like she was being Vince telling Dean-Ambrose-Soon-To-Be-Jon-Moxley how to do promos. Except, this was all social-media when putting the band out there. Hell, I couldn't even say this no matter how clean it sounded! I'm like, "What am I doing here...Isn't music supposed to be a passion or is being in this band becoming as bad as working at a Wal-Mart?"
Patrick was fired from TheVerse on September 21, 2019 after a volatile spat and disagreement with Janny on Facebook messenger over a frivolous misunderstanding.
2019 proved to be a troublesome year for Patrick Lew. Brought on by two very bad automobile incidents, toxic relationships, cyber bullying and tensions with his father reaching a new all-time high following his mother’s passing back in April 2017.
However. Good things came waiting in its wings when Patrick Lew Band was finally honored for their impact in their community and the indie music scene. It was announced via Facebook that Patrick Lew was going to be inducted into the third annual CSU East Bay 40 Under 40 Hall of Fame ceremony on June 7, 2019. The Patrick Lew Band would digitally self-release one final single under the PLB name. A cover of the old Monkees song “I Wanna Be Free” was released on streaming services (ex. Spotify and Apple Music) on April 8th. On June 7, 2019, Patrick Lew was inducted into the 3rd annual Cal State East Bay 40 Under 40 honors. He also became the first major Japanese-American male to earned the high honors and the second Taiwanese-American male (following Nick Vasallo) to receive the accolade.
This also marked the proper send-off for Patrick Lew Band and would become Patrick’s final appearance as Patrick Lew Band.
Following his second departure from Patrick Lew Band, Patrick kept a low-profile. Instead, focusing on his day job as a chocolatier at Pier 39 and courier work.
On July 2, 2019, Patrick Lew announced worldwide through a press release that he would be pursuing a solo career under the name LEWNATIC. And was going “back to basics” as an artist. Focusing less on adhering to the traditions of the music industry and placing more emphasis on passion: “making metal music and putting it out there for everyone and living a more simple life.”
Intense guitar session videos were immediately filmed on his phone and posted all over Patrick Lew’s social-media accounts (ex. Facebook, Instagram and etc) as a buildup to an actual home studio recording.
Patrick explained that the second breakup of Patrick Lew Band:
“I started Patrick Lew Band. I ended it. Simple as that.
The real reason? I felt I've done that all I could creatively with PLB. And made all the impact I needed to and desired. And it was one of those grandiose ideas where it became a boring exercise to make sophisticated rock music where it didn't go as far as I would have liked it to.
I've said to myself before, "once the PLB runs out of creativity and becomes in danger of becoming a caricature of its former self. That was the time to pull the plug on Patrick Lew Band." Plus I've made all that impact I've needed to with Patrick Lew Band in just almost 20 years but not the way I wanted it to be.
Rather than spare myself more trouble trying to push PLB to major league status. I've went the other route as a solo artist where I just wanted to be free from the anxiety and stress and play music as a labor of love rather than pressure and push myself to become the G.O.A.T in rock and roll.”
Patrick found out that he was going to Japan for the first time with his father and the rest of his family to serve his mother Winnie’s final purpose that Summer. He decided when he was going to be in Japan to busk as an artist or do open mics with his new band LEWNATIC. His first trip back to his native Japan also changed him greatly as a person and also help repair some fractured relations with his father that’s been going on since the passing of his mother Winnie.
He came back to a hero’s welcome locally and at his day job at Chocolate Heaven Pier 39.
On September 6, 2019, Patrick Lew and Fil-Am rapper and friend A.Kaye performed an in-house live show at Patrick’s home recording studio. The performance has since leaked online on social-media.
While working with Crazy Loser in a Box sporadically in his home studio via online collaboration between himself and Sigyn for a new album. He decided to drop his first major release with LEWNATIC via digital distribution online. A two-song EP titled “The American Nightmare.”
He also began working with booking agents Afton Shows again on the side. LEWNATIC performed their first show in the Bay Area at San Francisco’s historic DNA Lounge on November 3, 2019. A video of the live performance has since leaked online, especially on YouTube.
Patrick Lew says of LEWNATIC:
“Of course. Lewnatic isn't going to be as great as Patrick Lew Band. The PLB were the glory days. But I'm still here. I'm still alive. I'm still playing music and gigging here and there. Just in a different band and guise! Lol.
You might not get the same golden age of greatness that Patrick Lew Band gave us all. But it's definitely a mid-life renaissance or it could be that way perhaps!
I feel like I still have some mileage left in me as a composer, recording artist and musician.
And I'm only 34. Don't expect Patrick Lew to retire from rock and roll any time soon.”
All we can really say to you is #STAYTUNED for more!
THE FUTURE? (2019-20XX)
PLB is looking to refine and hone his craft and put himself more out there and stick it to the man and break the walls down for everyone who has always felt awkward in society. Musically speaking. There's only more to come when it comes to new music, more shows and more of everything else. Stay tuned for the latest exciting developments fellow PLB Army.
Always believe in yourself during the face of adversity and disposition. Always do you. Be you. And set out to work hard and make your dreams come true.
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