Friday, July 19, 2019

Patrick Lew Band's Third Run

I'm currently at Phase 3 of my indie music career with Patrick Lew Band. 
This is now basically an "Anything Goes" run as an active band in punk rock music. And this could very well be my last hurrah with PLB. I will be now recording every new album and playing every show like it could be my very last. 
No one knows when we officially die and leave Planet Earth. While I'm only in my mid 30's right now. I feel that I still got it in me at this stage of my life and music career. I'm cutting some of my best HEEL promos and monologues right now via Facebook Live! I just became a Hall of Fame inductee at age 34 at my alma mater. I'm literally at my "indie" peak as we speak! 
However, most of my talents and work has drifted to other band(s) and vanity related ventures (ex. Lunatic Damage). 
Since 2017 ended and 2018 kicked into gear, Patrick Lew Band went from full-time status in the local music scene to more a part-time or sporadic role. It's like when Nintendo begins phasing out the 8-bit NES and focuses more on SNES and N64. Just an analogy! While still active, Patrick Lew Band is a part-time solo project and I only go back to it whenever I feel like I'm ready to showcase new music or a new major event. I really don't have to do PLB full-time anymore to please everybody and be fully contractually obligated to do so in the business. I have this band I'm doing guitar for, I'm playing guitar under this new alias as a solo artist (B or C material), I now work a full-time traditional day job as a chocolatier and I'm 100% content with doing that and where I work. 
I've been doing Patrick Lew Band for well almost 20 years. It's always going to be around. I'm not going anywhere. It's just more part-time and occasional these days considering the current stage of life where I'm at! I'm focused on a lot of different areas as a musician and artist. It doesn't always mean TOURING. I'm making my mark most of the time without having to leave my home studio Promisedland and the digital age in our hands! 
So any gig or any album or any EP I do now with Patrick Lew Band could be my last day on Earth. All I know is, I'm gonna keep it going until I'm dead and buried 6 feet under and when the BBW lady sings on my grave. I also am aware, I won't be on top forever. So one of my missions now in the future is to "put over" young talent and shine light on the new kids in the scene.

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